What Will You Do?
Your minimal requirement for this program is emailing your partner classroom/IAP student at least twice per month. Depending on your availability and willingness, more frequent correspondence may be arranged. When possible, we would also like you to arrange an opportunity for the student to visit classroom upon return.
How Will this Benefit the Study Abroad Student?
- Sharing your experiences can help with cultural adjustment
- Create a link between you and the community
- An inspiring opportunity to encourage cultural understanding and awareness in children
- A resume-enhancer
UW-Madison Student Testimonials
“Communicating with this classroom gave me the opportunity to step back from my experience in Senegal and reflect on what I’d learned thus far.”
“I learned valuable communication skills. How do I tactfully explain a Turkish toilet to a 7th grader? This was very good practice, both for life in general and when I try to explain my experience to other people I come in contact with.”
“My classroom sent me a package of handwritten letters, which I coincidentally received on my birthday and it made me really happy to read all of their letters. The students’ letters made me realize how special it was for me to be having this wonderful experience abroad.”
“The kids were able to ask some questions that not only stumped me bu that adults would never ask out of embarrassment.”
How will this Benefit the Classroom?
- Increase global awareness
- Encourage cultural awareness and understanding
- Provide starting points to discuss differences and similarities
- Show the difference between learning a language and using it
Learn about Wisconsin State and MMSA Academic Standards Correlations
Middle School Student Testimonials
“I learned a lot about France and Senegal and what they do there. It was cool to know what it is like.”
“[I learned that] camels don’t fit two people.”
“I really liked how we got to talk to someone who is somewhere across the world.”
“I wish I could [study abroad] right now.”
“[I learned] that in Senegal they eat in a large bowl and the mother will kind of throw the meat to everyone in the bowl.”
Contact connections@studyabroad.wisc.edu