Jacob Borst

Position title: WSB Global Programs Manager

Email: jdborst@wisc.edu

3295 Grainger Hall

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As a Global Programs Manager for the WSB, I advise students and manage study abroad programs in Austria, China, Denmark, Ireland, Norway, and Thailand. I earned my BA in International Affairs and French from Eastern Michigan University in 2019. As a French major, I completed a summer of intensive language courses in Brest, France. It was a very formative experience (first time flying and being abroad), and I still think back on it daily. Another highlight of my undergraduate years was my French-speaking Model UN experience and my internships in and around Washington, DC. I recently graduated with my masters in French Studies with a concentration in Business, throughout which I was the graduate assistant at WSB Global programs. In short, my studies and work have been global-focused, and I am excited to continue that trend as a Global Programs Manager at the WSB! Apart from work, I love long walks (preferably not in the freezing cold!), lifting, fiction novels, and my ever-growing house plant collection.