Welcome back from your program! We hope you had a rewarding experience that helped you to grow towards achieving your academic, personal, and professional goals. As you readjust, we are eager for you to share your experiences and want you to know we are still here to help!
As you reflect on your time away, we encourage you to think about how you will apply the knowledge and skills you gained to your life here in Madison. We hope you continue this journey you’ve started, not only seeking out related opportunities on campus and connecting with other returned students, but also drawing from your experience in your future endeavors. To help you do so, we have compiled these resources.
Share Your Experience
We want to hear your stories, but more importantly, other students want to learn what it was like to study on your program from YOU!
Explore these tabs to see how you can share your program experience with us and future students.
Calling all writers! Consider submitting your program experience for publication in any of the following ways:
Returned Student Reflection
Complete our online returned student or alumni profile form and you could be featured in our outreach materials, including on our website, social media, or printed handouts!
Fill out the survey (including uploading one or two photos) to submit your reflection!
Share your Blog
Did you blog about your experience while you were abroad? If so, send us a link to your blog for a chance to be featured on our website or social media channels!
Campus Publications
- Badger Herald
- Daily Cardinal
- Souvenirs Magazine
- Journal of Undergraduate International Studies (JUIS)
Remember to let us know if your article or interview is published! We love to highlight the stories and successes of our returning students.
Volunteer at a Study Abroad Event
We’re always looking for returned students who would like to share their unique experiences at our study abroad events, including:
- Study Abroad Fair
- Study Abroad 101 Open Houses
- Returned Student Panels
- Coffee and Conversation Hours
- and more!
Interested? Contact iapmarketing@studyabroad.wisc.edu if you’d like to volunteer at any of our upcoming events.
Would you like to be paid to talk about studying abroad?
We employ both undergraduate and graduate student workers. Check out the Student Job Center for open positions.
Process Your Re-Entry
Getting used to a new culture can be tough, even when it’s your own!
It’s important to realize almost everyone experiences a readjustment period (also called re-entry or reverse culture shock). You have just completed an impactful experience. Sometimes, coming home can be just as or even more challenging than going abroad.
Cultural Readjustment & Reverse Culture Shock
Chart: Description of Cultural Adjustment phases
Returning to your home culture can feel a lot like when you arrived to your host country. You may find that you have changed or that home might no longer feel familiar or natural.
Emotions you might experience when returning:
- Excitement of being home (like the “honeymoon stage” of initial culture shock)
- Boredom with daily life
- Difficulty expressing your feelings about your experiences
- Changed understanding of relationships
- Trouble in understanding your culture (norms, values, negative views, etc.)
- Needing to learn new cultural aspects (slang, cultural references, etc.)
Your experience is your own.
While there are common emotions you may have after returning, everyone reacts differently to coming home. Recognize that these feelings are common and acknowledge them as part of your overall cross-cultural experience.
Links to explore:
- Reverse Culture Shock: Expectation vs. Reality
- Re-entry 101: This video looks at research to show how normal the rollercoaster of emotions upon coming home really is.
- The Re-entry Roadmap: Go beyond reverse culture shock to talk about re-entry as an important step in your study abroad journey.
Managing Re-Entry
Take it from other study abroad returnees: readjustment takes time. If you’re stuck in a rut, think about the three Ps – Be Patient, Present, and Proactive.
Be Patient
Readjustment can take days, weeks or even longer. Patience is a study abroad virtue.
- Not everyone will understand all your experiences. Be patient with yourself and others.
- You may have some “cultural catching up” to do, like learning new slang or catching up on current events and pop culture.
Be Present
Starting your home routine may seem boring compared to life overseas, but recognize that everyday moments can be adventures, just as they were abroad!
- Share your experiences, but don’t let them consume you. You have an entire life to live and if you want, you can continue it abroad.
- Have the adventures you’ve had abroad at home! Explore the U.S. and look at American and Wisconsin culture with your new perspective.
- Stay in the here and now. Feeling negative about your home culture can be expected. Making comparisons between cultures and nations is natural; however, be careful of being too critical in comparisons or generalizations.
Be Proactive
Take chances and make a plan. Figure out what you need to do for yourself and do it. Check out ways to get involved in the section Get Involved at Home section below.
- Join a club, start a language table, get to know visiting international students.
- Talk to your study abroad or academic advisor after returning to UW-Madison.
- If you are struggling, talk with a counseling specialist.
Ideas for Reflection and Action
- Life After Study Abroad website: This website has a multitude of resources that help you answer the question, “now what?”
- Advice from the Peace Corps: The Peace Corps has been sending people abroad for two-year stints for decades. Take advantage of their experience and knowledge in sending thousands of volunteers abroad each year.
- Keep up to date with world events: Subscribe to the DailyChatter from The Forum on Education Abroad.
Personal Stories of Reverse Culture Shock – and How to Manage
If You’re Having a Hard Time Adjusting, Seek Help.
The ups and downs of re-entry are to be expected and usually pass in time. At any time, if you think you might need help dealing with re-entry effects (i.e. more intense emotions for a longer period of time), talk to someone. University Health Services (UHS) offers services for students including Processing Spaces, Let’s Talk, and Silver Cloud.
Signs you may want to consider professional help:
- Depression or persistent sad feelings
- Severe sleeping or eating changes (too much or too little)
- Anxiety and excessive worrying
- Feelings of isolation, helplessness or hopelessness
- Below-normal energy or physical exhaustion; lack of motivation or interests
- Thoughts of self, or other harming behavior
- Behavioral changes (lack of academic motivation, avoiding friends, heavy drug or alcohol use, etc.)
Additional Mental Health Resources
YOU@WISC is an online portal, specifically designed for UW-Madison to foster student success in three domains: Succeed, Thrive, and Matter.
Center for Healthy Minds
Engage in the resources developed by UW-Madison’s Center for Healthy Minds including live meditations.
Mindfulness Guided Practices
Explore these free online tools through UW Health at your own pace.
Get Involved at Home
There are many ways to get involved on campus or in Madison to apply your new skillset as you develop personally, academically and professionally. Remember, if you have a wanderlust itch that you just can’t scratch, you can also study abroad or intern abroad again!
Continue on the journey you started and build upon your program experience to help catapult you to your next adventure. Read more about opportunities for engagement and returnees stories in Alumni Profiles.
Your experience is just a new beginning. Where will it take you next?
UW-Madison International Events
Discover all international events on campus.
International Peer Mentor
Meet people from across campus, build skills in mentoring to enhance your resume, share your international experience, and have fun! Mentors will be matched with Mentees of the same academic level (Undergraduate or Graduate), but NOT from the same nationality or Major/academic field.
GUTS Conversational English Tutoring
Help international students improve their English skills through arranged conversational opportunities.
Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS)
Connect with the IRIS area studies centers for newsletters, lectures and events, to explore area studies certificates and majors, or apply for international fellowships and grants.
Morgridge Center for Public Service
Opportunities for service and community engagement through Badger Volunteers and more.
Language Lab
Audiovisual materials for over 100 foreign languages and other L&S courses are available in the Media Library.
Language Conversation Tables
Continue the language skills you’ve acquired by speaking with other students and native speakers.
Languages at UW-Madison
Explore opportunities to take your language learning beyond the classroom.
Undergraduate Symposium
This annual event showcases undergraduate creativity, achievement, research, service-learning and community-based research from all areas of study.
UW- Madison Libraries
Campus libraries have plentiful international and foreign-language books, newspapers, and media items.
UW Housing Learning and Language Communities
- International Learning Community (ILC)
The ILC, located in Adams Hall, offers you the opportunity to be part of a language immersion program in German, Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, Korean, Russian, Nordic (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish), or Chinese languages. - The French House is a language immersion residence for UW-Madison students and a French & francophone cultural learning center for the community.
Wisconsin Involvement Network (WIN)
Search the Wisconsin Involvement Network (WIN) to connect to student organizations, including hundreds with cultural and ethnic themes.
WUD Global Connections
Join the Global Connections committee, part of the Wisconsin Union Directorate, and help plan interactive programs and events to foster awareness of global issues and interests.
Lessons from Abroad Conferences
Connect with study abroad returnees nationwide at these conferences.
Centro Hispano
Centro Hispano works to improve the quality of life for Latinos and others living in Dane County by empowering youth, strengthening families, and engaging the community.
Hostelling International – Madison
Serve as an ambassador to the Madison area.
Literacy Network
Opportunities to serve as an English as a Second Language tutor here in Dane County.
Madison Friends of International Students (MFIS)
MFIS connects Madison-area international university and college students, scholars, and any accompanying family with local residents to provide support and assistance, as well as to foster cultural exchange, global goodwill, and friendships around the world.
Madison’s Sister Cities
Get involved with Madison’s sister cities around the world.
Wisconsin English as a Second Language Institute
Opportunities to be a conversation partner, and TEFL Certification for teaching English overseas.
Go Beyond!
Be creative with using your cross-cultural skills and language skills. Go beyond this list and think about applying language skills by volunteering in courts, hospitals or with non-profit organizations. Explore our city’s distinct neighborhoods, and find other ways to engage in dialogue with members of the Madison community. Go beyond and build upon your experience!
Badger Bridge
This is an exclusive site where UW-Madison alumni and students can come together to offer support in achieving career goals and exploring professional opportunities.
Fulbright Opportunities
U.S. Student Fulbright Program is designed to give recent graduates, graduate candidates, young professionals and artists opportunities for personal development and international experience.
Peace Corps
Visit with the UW-Madison Peace Corps Office to learn about service opportunities after graduation, or find them at campus and community events.
Teach Abroad
Learn about resources and opportunities to teach abroad.
Market Your Experience
The challenges you overcame, the goals you accomplished, and the people and places you encountered along the way all have relevance to your future study, career, and life experiences. Consider how you can use what you learned on your program in your academic studies or career.
Telling stories of your experience to family, friends, and future employers can be a struggle. It’s important to take time to reflect on the way you want to convey your study abroad experience. This helps maximize the impact by telling stories that highlight the skills you gained. Knowing what made your experience unique will set a foundation for sharing your stories.
- Review the Speaking Meaningfully About Study Abroad document to learn more about how to talk about your study abroad experience and prepare for the inevitable question: “ So, how was it?” You will be prompted to make a copy of the Google document when clicking the link.
- The Language Institute’s International Directions Advisor offers academic and career advising to students interested in languages and international studies.
Study abroad is a unique experience that can set you apart from your peers on a resume, cover letter, or in an interview. Take advantage of resources below to help you present your experiences clearly.
The UW-Madison Language Institute: Career Tools
This site provides a wealth of resources to support your career exploration. On the Resume and Cover Letter tile you will find recommendations and resources for talking about study abroad in resumes and cover letters. Also helpful is the Study Abroad Skills Inventory.
Get support researching potential careers, connecting with alumni, looking for a job or internship, applying to graduate school, and more with SuccessWorks. Learn to market your study abroad experience and skills on your resumes and cover letters. Meet with a Career Advisor for feedback and to talk about expressing your experiences in a professional manner.
Students outside L&S can also find tailored resources and advising through their career centers.
UW-Madison Writing Center
Find recommendations for writing professional school application essays, resumes and cover letters in the Job Application and Materials section of their handbook.
Campus Career Resources
Campus Career Fairs
Find upcoming campus fairs for all students or specific themes. Engineering hosts separate fairs and your school, college or program may offer additional specific fairs or employer events.
Your Career Center
Find upcoming career events and information on joining Handshake, the campus job site for explore events, internships, jobs and more.
International Career Resources
Government, Policy, International Affairs Career Community
This community in SuccessWorks hosts resources, events and a dedicated advisor for exploring a career in these areas.
UW-Madison has a subscription to this resource with Country Guides for working in 30 countries and a search engine for jobs and internships. Find the full access login via the Resources section of Handshake or the top tab of the International Internship Database.
Intern Abroad through UW-Madison
Cultivate your professional skills through UW Signature Internships developed exclusively for Badgers! Note: You must be a degree-seeking undergraduate student at time of application and participation. Reach out to an Intern Abroad advisor for more information.
Teaching English Abroad
Teaching English as a second language is a great way to live abroad, explore a new culture, and gain professional experience!
Navigate an Unexpected Return
No matter the reason for your unexpected return from your program, it may be difficult to imagine how an interrupted study abroad experience can lead to growth and opportunity. We encourage you to be proud of the challenges you have, and continue, to overcome. The challenges of an unexpected return demonstrates the importance of the Wisconsin Experience.
“Every Badger is different. Every Wisconsin Experience is different. But our mission to be better people – and to create a better future – is the same.”
As you explore the resources below, we encourage you to connect with us. Our team of advisors is available to meet with you by appointment. Even if you don’t have a specific question but would like to talk through your experience, we are here for you!
University Health Services (UHS)
UHS offers services for students including Processing Spaces, Let’s Talk, and Silver Cloud.
YOU@WISC is an online portal, specifically designed for UW-Madison to foster student success in three domains: Succeed, Thrive, and Matter.
Center for Healthy Minds
Engage in the resources developed by UW-Madison’s Center for Healthy Minds including live meditations and the webinar Cultivating Purpose in Uncertain Times.
Mindfulness Guided Practices
Explore these free online tools through UW Health at your own pace.
API Toolkit
This toolkit offers reflection and activities on change management and resilience, community engagement and advocacy, empathy, intercultural learning, leadership, mindfulness and strategic planning.
AIFS Abroad Workbook on Navigating Uncertainty
This workbook provides tools and resources for reflecting on your experience and the impact an interrupted program has had on you.
Resources from the Gilman Scholarship Program
This packet has resources and reflection prompts to help you reflect on your experience (however brief it may have been), cope with stress and anxiety, and articulate what you learned from your program and early return.
Even if you can’t travel right now, it hasn’t tempered your wanderlust. Here are some resources to help transport you to faraway places.
● The 18 Best TV Shows for Vicarious Travel Thrills
Follow @IAPStudyAbroad on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter to stay connected.
Reach out to your Study Abroad Peers
Continue to find connection with your study abroad cohort. Maybe you could set up an online social time to connect and check in with those you met abroad.
Network with program staff
Have you remained in communication with your program staff? Even though you are not onsite, consider connecting with the staff in your host country to remain engaged for future opportunities to return.
Keep up to date with world events
- Forum on Education Abroad DailyChatter subscription
- Connect with librarians to learn how to access international newspapers or other resources
- Newseum