In today’s global marketplace, there is an increasing need for broadly educated engineering graduates with cross-cultural skills, international understanding, and flexible independence. Biological Systems Engineering (BSE) is committed to supporting our engineering students in obtaining these important skills. Study abroad programs help you gain flexibility, adaptability, confidence, and cross-cultural skills for the job market and fulfill your desire for learning and adventure.
Biological Systems Engineering students can study abroad through programs in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS), the College of Engineering, International Academic Programs (IAP), or any others for which they meet the eligibility requirements.
Prospective Biological Systems Engineering Students
BSE students may study abroad before or after meeting full BSE admission requirements, but please note that study abroad programs offered through the College of Engineering may require full admission to the BSE program. If courses taken abroad are used to satisfy admission requirements, grades from those courses will be included in calculating math-science GPA.
Students who transfer to UW-Madison or declare a BSE major sophomore year may consider studying abroad during Fall of junior year or during a Summer or Winter Intersession. Students who transfer to UW-Madison or declare a BSE major their junior year should consider studying abroad over a Summer or Winter Intersession, or adding an additional Fall semester to their academic plan if they wish to study abroad for a full semester*. In either scenario, meeting with your BSE advisor early on will be important as you plan for an abroad experience.
For background information about study abroad and the programs available, attend the Study Abroad Fair on campus, visit the Program Search database on the study abroad website, read Returned Student Profiles for Biological Systems Engineering majors, and/or meet with CALS Study Abroad Advisors. If you have questions about fulfilling courses with subject listings within the College of Engineering, you can also contact the advisor who coordinates the College of Engineering’s study abroad program portfolio.
Biological Systems Engineering Course Considerations Abroad
Study abroad programs do not offer equivalent courses for most BSE courses and each BSE student’s academic plan is unique, so studying abroad requires careful planning in partnership with a BSE academic advisor. Requirements that are more readily available abroad include:
- Foundation classes in Math, Statistics, Biological Breadth
- General Education requirements
- Technical Electives (good courses to take during study abroad and often have a unique international flavor)
Physics 202 should be taken in Madison. It is difficult to find an equivalent abroad.
To accommodate the Senior Design capstone sequence, students may consider adding one additional semester to their degree*. In these cases, being off campus for a Fall semester makes course planning easier. It is more challenging to accommodate a Spring semester abroad.
Students participating in Summer, Winter Intersession, or Spring Break programs, including field, global health, or research-based experiences, often do not need to be as concerned with fulfilling requirements or course equivalencies while abroad since these programs take place outside of the Fall and Spring semesters. These shorter opportunities can be good options for students with multiple priorities that make studying abroad for a full semester more challenging.
Mapping Your Study Abroad Experience as a Biological Systems Engineering Major
Freshman Year
BSE majors are advised not to study abroad during Fall or Spring semester their freshman year. Program research and application lead times make it difficult to arrange and there is a required BSE course offered in Spring semester. Students may consider participating in a study abroad program during the Summer after their first year, or possibly a Winter Intersession or Spring Break program.
Sophomore Year
Sophomore year is an excellent time to study abroad! You are still taking foundation classes which can be found abroad. BSE-specific coursework can be moved into later semesters. Students can study abroad either Fall or Spring semester, but it is recommended that you study abroad in the Fall semester so as not to miss any required Spring-only courses in future semesters.
Junior Year
BSE majors can only study abroad during Fall semester of junior year. The Senior Design capstone sequence begins in Spring of junior year.
Senior Year
Senior Design capstone sequence is completed at UW-Madison during Fall semester, so BSE seniors can only study abroad during Spring semester. Students may study abroad their final semester and graduate from a study abroad program in their final semester. Some BSE majors add an additional Fall semester to their academic plan* so that they can study abroad as a junior before starting the senior design sequence.
*It is important to note that CALS students are automatically graduated “when they have met all the university, college, degree program, and major requirements; have earned 120 credits; and have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher on all courses carried for a grade at UW–Madison.” View CALS graduation policies here. If you wish to add an additional semester to your academic plan in order to study abroad, you will have to reserve at least one degree requirement to be completed during that final semester.
Recommended Terms for Studying Abroad as a Biological Systems Engineering Major
While you should meet with your BSE advisor to discuss any study abroad plans, the chart below shows which academic terms are better suited for a study abroad experience, specifically for students who begin their BSE major as a freshman. Students who transfer to UW-Madison or declare a BSE major after their first year are strongly advised to meet with their BSE academic advisor to discuss the best time frame for studying abroad as it may differ from the recommended times in the chart below.
While not shown below, Winter Intersession, Summer, and Spring Break are all excellent times to consider studying abroad on a short-term program.
1st Year
- On Campus
- On Campus
2nd Year
- Go now! Great time to study abroad
- Possible to study abroad
3rd Year
- Possible to study abroad
- On Campus
4th Year
- On Campus
- Possible to study abroad
Questions to Ask
- What are my goals in studying abroad?
- What are my post-graduation plans?
- What type of learning experience am I seeking?
- What is my budget?
- What other priorities do I have for my undergraduate experience? Certificates, student leadership, extracurricular activities, time to degree?
Your Academic Advisor
- What classes must I complete for my degree (breadth/depth, major requirements, etc.)?
- Do I need to be on UW-Madison’s campus for any courses in my major?
- How many electives do I have outside of my major?
Your Study Abroad Advisor
- What classes can I take abroad?
- How and when do I select courses for my program?
- When will I know course equivalents for my program?
- What is the class structure like abroad?
Certificate in International Engineering
The Certificate in International Engineering provides recognition for your efforts to prepare for an international career by learning about one or region outside the United States. An undergraduate student in the College of Engineering or the Department of Biological Systems Engineering can earn the certificate by completing at least 16 credits worth of courses with a primary focus on the language, culture, history, geography, society or institutions of a particular country or region of the world. Students are encouraged to submit applications as soon as they have met BSE admission requirements. The one-credit capstone seminar required for this certificate is offered in the Fall only and must be completed after one’s international experience.
Identifying Programs That are Right for You
The programs listed below have various durations and offer courses that could fulfill major requirements or electives regardless of your BSE track.
Buenos Aires: Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires Exchange
SFS Australia Rainforest Studies – Summer Session II: Farming for the Future – Australia & Bali
University of Queensland Exchange
UW China Summer Engineering Program
DIS: Study Abroad in Scandinavia
University of Hohenheim Exchange
University of Iceland Exchange
SIT Renewable Energy, Technology, and Resource Economics (*Summer program offers BSE 367: Renewable Energy Systems and BSE 400)
SFS Australia Rainforest Studies – Summer Session II: Farming for the Future – Australia & Bali
IFSA National University Ireland
CIMBA (*Summer program offers ME 361: Thermodynamics)
Wageningen University Exchange
New Zealand
Norwegian Institute of Science & Technology
Norwegian University of Life Sciences Exchange
Trinidad & Tobago
University of West Indies Exchange
National University of Singapore Exchange
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Exchange
The following programs offer courses that count as requirements and/or electives or may be a way to complement what you are learning on campus depending on your specific BSE track.
Food and Bioprocess Engineering
University of Queensland Exchange
Czech Republic
Czech University of Life Sciences Exchange
Danish Technical University Engineering Exchange
Ecole Superieure d’Agriculture International Food, Culture and Agriculture Exchange
Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture Lille Exchange
ISARA Lyon Summer School Agroecology Exchange
UW Ghanaian Health & Food Systems: Human, Agricultural, & Environmental Health
UW Food Systems and the Environment in Northern Japan
UW International Field Study in Animal Agriculture and Sustainable Development
New Zealand
UW Agriculture, Health, and Nutrition in Uganda
Machinery Systems Engineering
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences Exchange
Munich University of Applied Sciences Exchange
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
United Kingdom
University College London Exchange
University of Sheffield Exchange
Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering
University of Queensland Exchange
SFS Conservation and Development Studies
Costa Rica
SFS Ecological Resilience Studies
Danish Technical University Engineering Exchange
Ceiba Tropical Conservation Semester: Galapagos, Andes and Amazon
UW Ghanaian Health & Food Systems: Human, Agricultural, & Environmental Health
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
SIT Climate Change and the Arctic
UW Food Systems and the Environment in Northern Japan
SFS Water and Wildlife Studies
New Zealand
Norwegian Institute of Science & Technology
SFS Biodiversity and Development in the Andes-Amazon
SIT Coastal Ecology and Natural Resource Management
United Kingdom
University of Sheffield Exchange
Search for additional programs
Research all programs using the Program Search page. The above is not an exhaustive list of all programs that offer courses and experiences of interest to Biological Systems Engineering students. There may be other programs that are a better fit for your individual needs or interests.