Program Characteristics

Exchange/Direct Enroll Study Abroad Program Characteristics

  • Internationalizes UW-Madison by bringing exchange partner’s students to UW-Madison campus
  • Program fee in part determined by student’s UW-Madison residency tuition
  • Most courses offered on these programs are not specialized for American students.
  • Usually offers a full range of university courses (good for students from non-traditional study abroad majors for whom there are not a large number of theme-specific study abroad programs in their major)
  • Utilizes minimal UW-Madison resources to administer
  • Participation is bound by the terms of the exchange balance, and enrollment tends to be small
  • Increases UW-Madison’s status and reputation abroad
  • Due to broad range of course offerings, marketing exchanges to students requires more outreach with departments to “match” specific majors to specific exchange partners
  • Can connect to many exciting inter-institutional cooperative possibilities (graduate/research/research opportunities, potential short term program hosts, etc.)
  • Exchange partner requirements (in terms of needing a partner who is an academic peer institution, offers full range of courses in English or in a language accessible to our students, offers the necessary student support services, offers courses and academic calendar that is compatible with ours), limit the number of suitable partner institutions
  • Can help support strategic partnerships (an institution abroad with which UW engages in multiple cross-campus collaborations and projects)
  • Usually for more independent students—student support offered varies more than with other program types
  • Generally allows students to be immersed in a more natural local student environment, but is based more on student self-motivation (as opposed to program structure) to do so

Affiliate Study Abroad Program Characteristics

  • Is not dependent on participant numbers
  • UW-Madison does not have direct oversight of program
  • Requires least amount of UW resources and takes the least amount of IAP staff time (on a per student basis)
  • Good to use in areas where strong support base is needed for students
  • Generally offers tailored, language immersion or thematic programs and curricula that target specific groups of students
  • Affiliate organization provides support and on-site emergency services
  • Functions mainly as a fee for service arrangement with the affiliate organization or university, typically limited engagement with UW-Madison faculty.
  • Generally specialized for U.S.-based study abroad students, but not specifically those from UW-Madison
  • On average is the most expensive of all program types

Worldwide Study Abroad Program Characteristics:

  • Developed specifically for UW-Madison students
  • Works well for undergraduate and graduate students doing independent research abroad
  • Is not dependent on participation numbers