Review the online Funding Study Abroad information session for an overview of program costs, financial aid, scholarships, and creative funding techniques.
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Program Costs
You are charged program fees to recover the actual costs of the program. Within the Financial tab of MyStudyAbroad (MySA), you will find your program cost sheet, which provides:
- Program Fee and what’s included
- Estimated Additional Expenses
- Billing & Payment Procedures
- Cancellation & Withdrawal Policies
The program fee and the estimated additional expenses cover the total cost of attendance for the program. Be sure you understand what the program fee does and does not include.
- The acceptance deposit that you paid to confirm your participation is part of the program fee and will be credited to your total amount.
- Your cost sheet may also have specific information about how you are billed for additional course fees and or housing deposits.
- Your expenses depend greatly on personal spending habits, post-or during-program travel, and personal discretionary funds. In most cases, the biggest additional expense is personal travel.
- Costs are also subject to change depending on international economic factors.
It is your personal responsibility to review your program cost sheet carefully and share this information, as applicable, with the person(s) responsible for your program payments. If you have any questions about your program cost sheet, connect with your Financial Specialist listed in the Contacts section of your MySA.
Program Fee Payments
The UW-Madison Bursar’s Office will send you an electronic bill (eBill) for each term to your email account. Designate another individual as an “Authorized Payer” in MyUW, if you want them to receive your eBill.
Your eBill will be sent approximately four weeks in advance of the target due date listed on your program cost sheet. IAP program fees are billed on the same schedule as tuition accounts. The billing schedule and due dates can be found on the Bursar’s website. The eBill shows the program fee and any payments or credits (deposits, scholarships, etc.) at the time the eBill was generated. You may incur additional charges during or after your program (e.g., single room charge, additional course fee) for which you will be billed at a later date. At any time, you can view your current account balance and financial aid awards in your MyUW.
Program fees are billed in segments for tax reporting on 1098Ts:
ABRD FEE_Q = Qualified Academic Instructional Expenses
ABRD FEE_NQ = Non-Qualified Academic Expenses (housing, meals, insurance)
ABRD FEE_MNQ = Minnesota Differential Add-on This is a qualified academic expense
ABRD FEE_NRG = Non-Resident Differential Add-on This is a qualified academic expense
Study abroad program fees are eligible for Badger Pay program. Otherwise, all payments must be paid by the due date on your eBill. Late payments are charged a $100 late fee. We reserve the right to cancel a student’s participation and/or to place a hold on the student’s UW-Madison record for failure to pay.
Your anticipated financial or scholarship aid will automatically apply towards the amount due stated in your eBill. If the amount of anticipated aid is less than the amount due, you only pay the difference that financial aid does not cover. If the amount of anticipated aid is equal to or more than the amount due, you do not make a payment. eBills are run multiple times during a term; students with anticipated aid may receive consecutive bills before their financial aid has paid balances.
If you have a scholarship that is not listed in your anticipated aid, even though it may show on your Award Report in MyUW, contact your Financial Specialist to receive a deferment for the scholarship amount and prevent late fees.
If you are due a refund, you can sign up for eRefund (Direct Deposit) or receive a check from the Bursar’s Office. Always make sure your mailing address is updated to that of someone who might be able to receive a check and deposit it on your behalf. This is an important safety net for you should you need to receive a refund (or pay your eBill) while abroad.
Information on payment methods and delivery, late fees, and financial aid disbursement and refunds can be found on the Bursar’s Office website.
Financial Aid
UW-Madison students may be able to utilize financial aid on UW-Madison programs. Guidelines on the usage can be found on the Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) webpage.
If you have not received aid in the past, you may still be eligible for financial aid to help with your expenses. Students interested in receiving financial aid (loans, grants, scholarships) should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). It is possible to apply for aid anytime during the academic year. However, it can often take four or more weeks to complete the processing of your application with OSFA; therefore, it is best to apply as early as possible.
If you already receive aid, you may qualify for additional funding to offset the extra costs sometimes associated with your program. Additional aid often comes in the form of loans, although there are some need-based grants available annually through OSFA. Likewise, if anticipated program costs are less than on-campus costs; aid packages can be reduced. We provide OSFA with program cost information for each of our program participants.
According to OSFA, if you accept your financial aid award before you leave and complete loan paperwork (if appropriate), financial aid funds will be credited to your UW-Madison account no sooner than 10 days prior to the start date on campus for the applicable fall or spring semester (5 days prior for summer abroad programs.) If your program start date is after the start date on campus, financial aid funds will be disbursed 10 days prior to the later start date. OSFA cannot legally disburse funds earlier.
Your financial aid funds are credited to your program fee and UW-Madison tuition and fees (for exchange programs). If you have more aid than the program cost, you will receive a refund (either electronically or paper check by mail depending on what you have set-up with the Bursar’s Office).
Questions about financial aid can be directed to:
Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA)
Pahouachua Thor
Financial Aid Advisor
Phone: (608) 262-3060
Location: 333 East Campus Mall
Our scholarship website has detailed information regarding scholarships and creative fundraising ideas.
There are a variety of scholarships that you can apply for to help you fund your program. A scholarship does not have to be specific to UW-Madison study abroad programs in order to be used on your program. Scholarships typically do not cover the full program cost. Instead, they act as supplemental funds and can help you offset other expenses you will have.
Private scholarships received from agencies or companies outside the university may or may not allow you to use the scholarship for off-campus programs. You should consult with the scholarship provider if this is not clarified in your scholarship award letter.
If you are a recipient of any campus or department scholarships, inform your Financial Specialist and your scholarship administrator so that they may assist you with coordinating your scholarship with your program.